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Saturday, November 6, 2010

Coral Bay: Part IV - Relaxing on the Beach

Monday, November 1st:
Monday was my first day here that I didn’t go out for a dive. It was definitely nice getting to hang out with everyone during the day and get to see Coral Bay itself a little bit.

 Seb, Colin, Matt, Emily, Devon, Lauren, and I went for a snorkel off the beach. As I mentioned earlier, Coral Bay easily has the best snorkeling I have ever seen and a major part of that is the fact that you literally swim 50 feet off the beach and you are immersed in reef. I think we might have seen a sandy bottom twice during the whole 45 minute to an hour snorkel session and the rest of the time we were just swimming through these beautiful coral formations. After our morning snorkel, we played around on the beach for a while.

Devon doing a Free Willy impression.

Figured it would be nice if I were in a picture or two so I snapped a shot of myself.

And again.

 For lunch we went to the bakery and indulged in some delicious meat pies, and at night I actually got a little work done for a change.  


  1. I can't believe how beautiful the colors are. An improved, but venomous and dangerous, Bahamas. The "hair spray" and water "ballet" shots are great. Nothing like a lazy day on the beach.

  2. Oh, what fun! And no sharks...whew...much to the relief of your mommers. Glad you took a little break from diving (I really needed it...!)

    And yes, exquisite colors.

  3. Love how the first picture where I'm the focus is my whale impression! But jokes aside, awesome awesome awesome. All of it. :)

  4. mmmmmmeat pie!!!! let's bake some when you're back, that sounds yummy. went for a swim in the pool this morning; i like watching the light play over the water, it makes me feel relaxed. But it sure isn't anything like the water in Coral Bay....beautiful, beautiful! thank you for sharing your photos, doggy!
