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Sunday, November 14, 2010

Finished Finals and My New Look

As of yesterday afternoon I am officially done with my academic semester in Australia! Woot woot!!! So strange leaving the exam room and walking off campus knowing that I wouldn’t have to come back there. Sorry I haven’t been posting much - not too much new to report and have been really busy with getting work done. Haven’t had time to cut my hair even … look how long it’s gotten …

Har har har in case you couldn’t tell, my hair is not really that long and I did not dye it blonde. Here is a video of me goofing around with some friends … I mean studying before my last exam.

Really winding down now – two weeks left in Australia at this point. I have one more week in Perth, which I plan to spend relaxing and hanging out at the beach and then I head off to Cairns to hopefully meet up with my Dad for some diving! Fingers crossed! 


  1. I love the new "do." Went to Australia, found religion or so it seems. Got my fingers crossed for this week. Congratulations on a semester well done. Did you capture the gold at 33?

  2. Still giggling. Just love the new look. Your expression in the second photo is the best. So beatific...so funny. Wish you could hear me laughing all over again!

    I have my fingers crossed for you and Dad--really hope the trip works out.

  3. P.S. And congratulations once again! That semester just flew by, didn't it?!
