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Friday, November 19, 2010

Leaving Perth

Well it is officially my last day in Perth… so hard to believe. Where does the time go? Have 4/5 months already passed? Spent the day at the beach with Emily, Lauren, Kristen and Colin and got lunch at Cott. It went up to 101 degrees here today – when I talked to Joe earlier he said it was 37 at Hamilton. Little bit different – definitely going to be a shock to the system when I get back. Where are the beaches!? Really nice getting one last swim in here – especially as it was the first beach I swam at here in Aussie land. Leave tonight for Cairns so I will probably be out of contact for the next week or so, but when I get back to having internet I’ll post the pictures from the Great Barrier Reef. Man packing up is depressing! Pretty sad to leave good ole’ Perth. It’s been very good to me. It's funny (or not really funny, but just interesting) how leaving Perth I have that same pit in my stomach I had when I left home for Australia - that feeling of wondering what I am leaving behind and what I am going to face in the times ahead. My time in Australia has easily been the biggest and best adventure of my life and I am just so happy I made the decision to come here. What an adventure … 6 more days.


  1. Parting is sweet sorrow, indeed. So glad the experience has been such an extraordinary and memorable one for you, dear Jules. It makes it more difficult to leave, but how wonderful to have made so much of your time there; you didn't waste a minute.

    And thanks once again for sharing it all so generously. What a beautiful, personal record you've created.

  2. We like your posts so much we've rented out your room. Now you have no choice but to keep them coming.

    Have a blast and a half on the dives. Scoop up a scorpion fish or two. Brother bottle may need some assistance.

    Although it is hard to imagine, do remember, the best is yet to be. So proud of you my pal.

  3. Dear Julian,
    It is so wonderful that you have made so much of this trip.These things are fun and real learning experiences ,learning about the things you do and see,but more so learning about yourself how you react and what conclusions you draw from it all .So I join your dad in saying how proud we all are of you.I leave tomorrow morning for South Africa,Botswana and Namibia and should be back when you are.It's summer there as well and I packed accordingly.What is it about us Tempelsmans that makes us head for the antipodes? Love, Poppy
