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Friday, October 22, 2010

Post X: Drive to Te Anau and Baby Sheep Friends

Tuesday, Oct 19th: With a slight change to our plans – we ended up having our flight back to Sydney moved a day earlier – we decided to try and get to Milford Sound. We woke up pretty early and caught about 10 minutes of sunshine before the clouds rolled in. Pretty rainy and overcast for the rest of the day, but we made the most out of it anyway. The plan was to drive up to Te Anau (this little town on the lake) and catch a bus to Milford Sound in order to split up the long drive. We left at around 8:25 to try and catch a 10:30 bus. The drive is supposed to take 2 hours so we were cutting it pretty close. 

We managed to get to Te Anau at around 10:15 only to find out that the road to Milford Sound was closed since it had snowed and there was 50cm (over 1.5 feet!) of snow on the road. You know, typical spring snow storm. We ended up just driving a bit more south and taking in the winding roads and all the adorable little sheep along the road.






 The little baby sheep seem like a cross between puppies and bunnies and are just out of this world cute. 

According to one statistic I found online there are 47.2 million sheep in New Zealand. That means there are more than 13 times as many sheep as there are people here. Thought that was a pretty outrageous figure. Along with the sheep along the road we saw deer farms and lots of cattle. 

The cows seemed to want to be photographed as they gathered by the side and kept coming closer to where I was standing.  


They actually seemed a little sad when we pulled away. All in all it was a really fun day of just driving around and getting to see New Zealand.

A sign that made my mom and me laugh.


  1. Those sheep ARE ridiculously cute (so is your mom). The scenery is really breathtaking.

  2. I was just looking at this post again and recalling those wonderful sheep! Weren't they great? And that little symphony of bleating each time we stopped?!

    That black-and-white shot of the road is very beautiful, too. So glad I could make the trip, Jules. Let's keep our fingers crossed for Dad.
