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Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Post VII: Leaving Heron Island

Saturday, Oct 16thOn our final morning we woke up for breakfast and a morning swim (more of a morning roll in the water for me since it was especially low tide when I went in.) With the sun shining brightly we finally took some time to explore the island.


 After our walk on the beach, we sat down and played a little speed scrabble.

 We ordered a delicious chai as well as an iced latte that drew the attention of a very brave and thirsty little bird – a Buff Banded Rail or the “Chicken Bird” as my mom and I called it.

 At around 12 o clock we got ready for our helicopter ride back to Gladstone airport – we leave for New Zealand today! 

It is such a different feeling being in a helicopter than being in a plane. You really get the sense that there is nothing beneath your feet. As such you can’t help but ask yourself how this thing is staying up in the air? These thoughts were quickly overcome by the beauty of seeing the island and reefs from above.

 As it was low tide you could see all the different patterns and rock formations. 

Two happy campers after the heli ride:

After a meal at this café in Gladstone airport (has to be the best airport food I’ve ever had – we got a ham, cheese, and pineapple tart in filo dough and a chicken satay tart in filo dough) we boarded the plane to Brisbane where we will board another plane to New Zealand. It will be the first time I have been out of Australia since July. Pretty wild that I’ve been here close to four months now. 


  1. You've come a long way since NY helicopter tours. Wow! Wow and more wow! What a view. I love how you memorialized your trip in Scrabble. I MUST join you.

  2. That helicopter ride was a dream, Jules! We couldn't have picked a better day, could we? So clear and so beautiful. You've captured everything just perfectly...

  3. Dear Julian and Cathy,
    What wonderful pictures and narrative about wonderful adventures.The helicopter co-pilot looks very cute.I hope you weren't drinking alcoholic beverages as the little thirsty curiuos little bird would fall off the table.Happy journey and abi hug.Poppy.

  4. CHICKEN BIRD CHICKEN BIRD!!! maybe he'd like new york because there are so may Starbucks! what do you think???

    p.s. those aerial shots are outrageous! can i go swimming, too?
