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Sunday, October 3, 2010

Second Entry from Monkey Mia

Back again in my usual spot – a little picnic table on the beach right in front of where the dolphins are fed. With the moon on my left, dolphins swimming in front of me, and the sun rising on my right it is pretty hard to complain.

 This is my last morning in Monkey Mia. Later this afternoon we will head off to Kalbarri, stopping at Hamelin Pool to see the Stromatolites along the way. The Stromatolites are one of the world’s longest living creatures – essentially they are living fossils. But first, I will give a recap of yesterday. After waking up early again I decided to try and get an underwater shot of the dolphins. This proved harder than I thought but not because they wouldn’t come close. In fact, they were literally within reaching distance on multiple occasions. The issue was the really low visibility. With not much of a current, very silty sand, low tide, and multiple dolphins swimming about – the water was very murky. Might have been able to get one or two shots but just the experience of swimming with wild dolphins was pretty incredible. Kristen and Devon got some shots of me next to the dolphins so I will put those up when they give them to me.

Here are some videos of the dolphins!

After our morning with the dolphins we drove to this place called Shell Beach. Can you guess what the main attraction is there? If you guessed shells you were spot on. Pretty much if you replaced every grain of sand on a beach with little shells you would have Shell Beach. The sheer quantity of shells was pretty outstanding.

Matt, Colin, and I had a free sunset sail that was included with our marine life sail so we headed back to catch the boat. After a quick rinse off, we boarded the boat and enjoyed some Champagne that Matt brought and a bag of potato chips. Very classy. Drinking champagne on a boat watching the sunset it felt like were in a vacation in a vacation. To be in Australia is pretty unbelievable to start with, but then to come to a place like this? Pretty lucky (knock on wood). 

For dinner we had a steak stir fry with mushrooms, green peas, artichoke hearts, onions and capsicum (what they call bell peppers here). Dessert was the melted moosh that was left of the giant Cadbury chocolate bar that had thoroughly melted in the car. Looking back at what I have been doing and writing about it’s hard not to imagine it potentially coming across as obnoxious or over the top. But the crazy thing is that the 3 nights of staying here cost a mere 34$ total. Going to pop off now – as hard as it is to leave Monkey Mia, I am excited to see Kalbarri and for the hikes and adventures there. 


  1. Oh my gosh! Those pelicans are the most amusing creatures--I've never seen them photographed straight on like that. So goofy and wonderful. It looks as if one of them just pushed his way into the photo with the dolphin.

    And shell beach is so pretty and unusual, too. I love that shot of your friend tossing a handful of shells in the air. Like stardust.

    Great sunset, Jules. Do I get to drink champagne when I visit??
    And the underwater picture of the dolphin is wonderful. I like the fact that it's so hazy and gray and moody-looking.

  2. I'm signing up for the foot pilot job. It's my calling.

  3. Dear Julian,
    Glad to see you are back where you can communicate.Wow ,what a trip you are having.The pictures of the Stromatolites are fascinating.I'm sure that you recall the ones on the ocean side at Highbourne Cay but they are flat and white with a brownish streak unlike the Australian ones that look as if they landed from a comet.The dolphins and whales are extraordinary.As to the plethora ( ha ha) of shells don't forget to bring some back for my coolection.Much love.
