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(Move the mouse around to play with the fishies. Click to feed them)


Monday, July 19, 2010

Playing Around With Photoshop

Today was a pretty busy day of doing nothing. Had orientation talks from 8:30 till about 3:00, which was pretty exhausting. Learned that I should not walk down dark streets alone on or off campus... think that was the most useful piece of information. Although there was this one professor who gave a funny little talk about Australian language and how they love to abbreviate things. The Australian word for Australian is Strine. If you say it right you can hear the word Australian in it, which I thought was pretty cool. Other than that, not too much to report today. Tomorrow the college I am staying at is going to the Aquarium so that should be fun. 

Here are a two shots I was playing around with on Photoshop. Nothing special though I feel like I could do some fun things with the polaroid-esque one.


  1. Oh, do please follow that advice about dark streets. And I love the photos. They make me think of shadow boxes--very interesting! Have fun at the aquarium today. What an adventure!

  2. Gorgeous photos -- you have a real eye.

  3. The top shot looks like it could be in an Apple tutorial. Love it. Me

  4. Thanks Elizabeth! And I'll try seeing if Apple wants to buy it :)
